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Instructional Materials

Accessible Course Materials

确保所有学生都有平等的机会使用电子和信息技术教学方法和资源是所有UWF管理员的责任, faculty and staff. 包含在电子和信息技术定义中的是所有电子教学材料(教学大纲), textbooks, presentations, handouts, etc.), including videos, whether delivered within the University's learning management system, in face-to-face classes, or in an alternate fashion (email, course websites, blogs, etc.). Also included are electronic instructional activities (online collaborative writing, web conferencing, etc.). 

To ensure that all students, including students with disabilities, are able to access content in a timely way along with other students, 在学生需要这些资源之前,教师关注技术可访问性问题是至关重要的. 积极的措施确保所有的教学材料从一开始就可以获得, 怎样才能最大限度地减少对“特殊”住宿和改进学习环境的需求.

Universal Design for Learning

The creation of accessible course content begins with universal design. The goal of universal design is to minimize barriers and maximize learning. Universal design addresses the "what", "how", and "why" of learning and gives all individuals equal opportunity to learn.  通用教学设计(UDI)是一种教学方法,它包括主动设计和使用包容性教学策略,使包括残疾学生在内的广大学习者在面对面和在线学习环境中受益.

  1. Equitable Use:The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities. For example, a website that is designed so that it is accessible to everyone, including students who are blind and using text-to-speech software, employs this principle.
  2. Flexibility in Use:The design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities. 一个例子是允许参观者选择阅读或听展示柜内容的描述的博物馆.
  3. Simple and Intuitive:Use of the design is easy to understand, regardless of the user's experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level. 科学实验室设备的控制按钮清晰直观,是应用这一原则的一个很好的例子.
  4. Perceptible Information:The design communicates necessary information effectively to the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user's sensory abilities. 应用这一原则的一个例子是,在嘈杂的学术会议展览中,多媒体投影包括字幕.
  5. Tolerance for Error:该设计将意外或非预期动作的危险和不利后果降至最低. 应用这一原则的产品的一个例子是教育软件,当学生做出不适当的选择时,它会提供指导.
  6. Low Physical Effort:The design can be used efficiently and comfortably, and with a minimum of fatigue. 具有各种各样身体特征的人都容易打开的门证明了这一原理的应用.
  7. Size and Space for Approach and Use:Appropriate size and space is provided for approach, reach, manipulation, and use regardless of the user's body size, posture, or mobility. 一个科学实验室工作区是为具有各种身体特征和能力的学生设计的,是运用这一原则的一个例子.

  • Class Climate:采取反映多样性和包容性的高度价值观的做法. 例如:在你的教学大纲上写一份声明,邀请学生与你会面,讨论与残疾有关的住宿和其他特殊学习需求.
  • Physical Access, Usability, and Safety:Assure that activities, materials, 所有学生都可以使用设备,所有学生的潜在特征都在安全考虑中得到解决. Examples: Develop safety procedures for all students, including those who are blind, deaf, or wheelchair users; label safety equipment simply, in large print, and in a location viewable from a variety of angles; repeat printed directions orally.
  • Delivery Methods:Use multiple accessible instructional methods. 例子:使用多种模式来传递内容,激励和吸引学生——考虑讲座, collaborative learning options, hands-on activities, Internet-based communications, educational software, fieldwork, etc.
  • Information Resources and Technology:Ensure that course materials, notes, and other information resources are flexible and accessible to all students. 例子:选择印刷材料,提前准备教学大纲,让学生可以选择在上课前开始阅读材料和做作业,并留出足够的时间来安排其他形式, such as books on tape.
  • Interaction:鼓励学生之间以及学生与教师之间的有效互动,并确保所有参与者都能使用沟通方法. 例如:分配小组作业,学习者必须相互支持,并高度重视不同的技能和角色.
  • Feedback:Provide specific feedback on a regular basis. 例子:允许学生在期末项目截止前上交部分大型项目的反馈.
  • Regularly assess student progress using multiple, accessible methods and tools and adjust instruction accordingly. Example: Assess group/cooperative performance as well as individual achievement.
  • Accommodation:为教学设计不能满足学生需求的学生制定住宿计划. Example: Know how to get materials in alternate formats, reschedule classroom locations, and arrange for other accommodations for students with disabilities.

Developing Accessible Digital Materials

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology Resource Guide provides instructions on how to create accessible materials such as documents, PDFs, presentations, software and websites, spreadsheets, and other media.

Developing Accessible Online Courses

这里提供的信息是为了帮助课程开发人员和教师识别他们的课程材料中常见的可访问性问题,并提供使所有学习者更容易访问内容的技术. UWF uses Canvas as the university's Learning Management System (LMS). Visit the Canvas Accessibility document for more information about the accessibility features built into Canvas.

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology提供了许多资源来支持课程开发人员创建可访问的在线课程. 

Student Responsibilities

Although the University strives to create a universally designed environment, 我们理解学生可能有个性化的需求,可能需要特定的住宿. 如果学生对学术环境有任何障碍,他们有责任在大学里自我识别为残疾. Students will need to register with Student Accessibility Resources.

Other Resources

  • Closed Captioning 为学生提供与视频同步的音频内容的文本版本. Videos that are added to your course should include captioning, preferably with an interactive transcript in an accessible media player. By doing so, the videos are accessible to students who are deaf or hard of hearing, non-native English speakers, 以及任何想要搜索视频内容或学习技术术语拼写的学生.
    • Adding Captions to videos in Canvas: Follow the step by step process provided by Canvas on how to caption videos.
    • Adding captions to YouTube videos: YouTube is one of the most commonly used video content systems. However, many videos do not have captions or transcripts. While YouTube offers the ability to caption videos as a part of their service, the captioning is often inaccurate and unreliable. Therefore, prior to uploading YouTube videos to your Canvas page, make sure the captions are accurate. In addition, the university cannot caption content that they do not own the rights to, 比如YouTube或教科书支持的视频,这些视频不属于你或学校.

Microsoft Office和Adobe Acrobat是最常用的软件工具,它们提供的功能可确保教师创建的文档和pdf文件的可访问性. Step by step instructions can be accessed below.


The Instructional Designers at the Center for Teaching, Learning, 技术可以帮助教师识别和更新不可访问的课程内容. Faculty can email to request a one-on-one instructional design consultation.

Contact the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology via email at for additional information and resources that are specific to your needs.